2019 Session

Budget Amendments - SB1100 (Committee Approved)

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SCHEV - Six-Year Plan Language (language only)

Item 143 #6s

Item 143 #6s

State Council of Higher Education for Virginia


Page 189, strike lines 49 through 55.

Page 190, strike lines 1 through 6 and insert:

"P. As part of the biennial six-year financial plan required in the provisions of § 23.1-306, Code of Virginia, each public four-year institution of higher education, Richard Bland College, and the Virginia Community College System may include in its six-year plan submitted to the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) alternative tuition and fee structures and programs that could result in lower costs to in-state undergraduate students. SCHEV shall develop instructions related to the submission of such plans in conjunction with the six-year financial plans as required by § 23.1-306, Code of Virginia."

Q. 1. In conjunction with the plans included in the six-year plans, each public institution of higher education may propose one innovative request and a corresponding state ask with clearly defined performance measures for a performance pilot, and the General Assembly may approve the requested performance pilot in language to be placed in the general appropriation act. The performance pilot shall advance the objectives of the Commonwealth by addressing innovative requests related to college access, affordability, cost predictability, employment pathways for undergraduate Virginia students, strategic talent development, pathways to increase timely degree completion, and other priorities set out in the general appropriation act.

2. Development and approval of any performance pilot proposal shall proceed in tandem with consideration of the institution's six-year plan, as follows:

a. An institution that intends to propose a performance pilot shall communicate that intention as early as practicable, but not later than April 1 of the year in which the performance pilot will be proposed, to the six-year plan reviewers, the co-chairmen of the Joint Subcommittee on the Future Competitiveness of Virginia Higher Education, and the Governor. In developing a proposed performance pilot, the institution shall consider the Commonwealth's educational and economic policies and priorities, including those reflected in the Virginia Plan for Higher Education issued by the Council, the economic development policy developed pursuant to § 2.2-205, the strategic plan developed pursuant to § 2.2-2237.1, relevant regional economic growth and diversification plans prepared by regional councils pursuant to the Virginia Growth and Opportunity Act (§ 2.2-2484 et seq.), and any additional guidance provided by the Joint Subcommittee on the Future Competitiveness of Virginia Higher Education and the Governor.

b. An institution that proposes a performance pilot shall include the one innovative request and corresponding state ask with clearly defined performance measures with its submission of the preliminary version of its six-year plan or with its preliminary amendment or affirmation submission.

c. The six-year plan reviewers, or their designees, shall review and comment on any proposed performance pilot in accordance with the six-year plan review and comment process and may expedite such review and comment process to facilitate the executive and legislative budget process or for other reasons. No later than October 15 of the relevant year, the reviewers shall communicate to the Governor and the Chairmen of the House Committee on Appropriations and the Senate Committee on Finance their recommendations regarding each performance pilot proposal.

d. Each performance pilot proposal shall include evidence of its approval by the institution's governing board and, if accepted, shall be referenced in the general appropriation act.".


(This amendment states that institutions may present as part of their six-year financial plans: 1) alternative tuition and fee structures and programs to result in lower costs for in-state undergraduate students; and 2) an innovative performance pilot.)