2019 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1700 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Ayala
HB2520 - Establishment of College and Career Readiness Steering Committee

Item 127 #3h

Item 127 #3h

First Year - FY2019 Second Year - FY2020
Secretary of Education FY2019 $0 FY2020 $80,000 GF

Page 126, line 3, strike "$694,565" and insert "$774,565".


(This amendment provides $80,000 the second year to the Secretary of Education's office to cover the costs associated with House Bill 2520 and is dependent on its passage. The bill, as introduced, requires the Secretary of Education to establish a 21-member College and Career Readiness Steering Committee to (i) develop and oversee implementation of a strategic plan for ensuring that all students in the Commonwealth, and particularly subgroups of students who have been historically underserved, graduate from high school (a) meeting the requirements for an advanced studies diploma, (b) having had the opportunity to participate and succeed in pathways that integrate rigorous academic instruction aligned with the Standards of Learning, including career and technical education, work-based learning, wraparound services, and opportunities to earn credit for postsecondary education while enrolled in high school, and (c) having had a high school experience that is aligned with expectations for postsecondary education and employer demand and; (ii) provide certain recommendations, guidance, leadership, goals, and assistance relating to the implementation of such strategic plan.)