2019 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1700 (Conference Report)

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Reduce New Funding for Enrollment Broker Services

Item 307 #4c

Item 307 #4c

First Year - FY2019 Second Year - FY2020
Health and Human Resources
Department of Medical Assistance Services FY2019 ($708,750) FY2020 ($396,333) GF
FY2019 ($708,750) FY2020 ($396,333) NGF

Page 343, line 28, strike "$278,627,135" and insert "$277,209,635".
Page 343, line 28, strike "$291,221,330" and insert "$290,428,664".


(This amendment reduces $708,750 from the general fund and a like amount of federal Medicaid matching funds the first year and $396,333 from the general fund and a like amount of federal Medicaid matching funds the second year included in the introduced budget for the costs of managed care enrollment broker services, leaving $500,000 from the general fund the second year for this activity.)