Language Page 509, after line 2, insert: "482.1 Casino Gaming Oversight$0$0 " Sum Sufficient"There is hereby appropriated a sum sufficient appropriation to support the Lottery Boards cost to regulate, license and oversee casino gaming pursuant to the passage of House Bill 2536 which authorizes casino gambling and creates the Casino Gaming Oversight Fund."
" Sum Sufficient"
There is hereby appropriated a sum sufficient appropriation to support the Lottery Boards cost to regulate, license and oversee casino gaming pursuant to the passage of House Bill 2536 which authorizes casino gambling and creates the Casino Gaming Oversight Fund."
(This amendment creates a sum sufficient appropriation for the Lottery Board to support the oversight of Casino gaming as authorized in House Bill 2536. A companion amendment in Item 391 requests funding of $50,000 from the general fund for the Department of Corrections to address the potential sentencing impact related to the penalty provisions of House Bill 2536.)