2019 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1700 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Tyler
Co-Patron(s): Kory, McQuinn
HR 217 - Study Staffing and Compensation at DOC

Item 1 #3h

Item 1 #3h

First Year - FY2019 Second Year - FY2020
Legislative Department
General Assembly of Virginia FY2019 $14,200 FY2020 $0 GF

Page 4, line 5, strike "$46,981,541" and insert "$46,995,741".


(This amendment provides $14,200 from the general fund in fiscal year 2019 pursuant to the passage of House Resoluation 217 which directs the House Committees on Health, Welfare and Institutions and Militia and Police to establish a joint committee to study staffing levels, employment conditions, and compensation at the Virginia Department of Corrections and report their recommendations by November 30, 2019. The $14,200 will fund the per diems for the meetings.)