2019 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1700 (Committee Approved)

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DOC - Offender Medical Information Improvement Plan (language only)

Item 391 #2h

Item 391 #2h

Public Safety and Homeland Security
Department of Corrections


Page 426, after line 44, insert:

"S. The Director, Department of Corrections, consistent with the December 4, 2018 recommendations of the Joint Subcommittee on Mental Health Services in the 21st Century, shall develop policies to improve the exchange of offender medical information, including electronic exchange of information for telemedicine, telepsychiatry, and electronic medical chart access by health care providers. The Director shall provide a report detailing its policies and implementation plan to to the Joint Subcommittee no later than October 1, 2019."


(This amendment requires the Department of Corrections to develop improved policies related to the exchange of offender medical information, and report its policies and implementation plan to the Joint Subcommittee on Mental Health in the 21st Century no later than October 1, 2019.)