2019 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1700 (Committee Approved)

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Modify Language Regarding New Systems (language only)

Item 259 #1h

Item 259 #1h

Department of Accounts


Page 266, line 34, strike lines 34 to 55.

Page 266, line 34, insert:

"B.1.a. The Department of Human Resource Management shall replace the Commonwealth Integrated Payroll/Personnel System (CIPPS) and the Personnel Management Information System and the Benefits Eligibility System (PMIS & BES) with an integrated Human Capital Management (HCM) system.

b. A working capital advance of up to $82,400,000 shall be provided to the Department of Human Resource Management to pay the initial costs of replacing CIPPS and PMIS & BES after following the process described in Item 84.60 (F). Initial costs may include any costs necessary for the planning, development, configuration, and roll-out of the new HCM application. Initial costs do not include costs necessary to ensure agencies are prepared for the implementation of the new application and the decommissioning of CIPPS and PMIS & BES such as interfaces from agency based systems."


(This amendment modifies language included in the introduced budget related to the development of new payroll and human resource management systems to require an open and competitive procurement prior to development of the new system. A companion amendment is included under the Item 84.60, the Virginia Information Technology Agency.)