1998 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Contract bed special revenue fund (language only)

Item 4-2.01 #2c

Item 4-2.01 #2c

3: Miscellaneous & Part 4: General Provisions)

Page 387, after line 31, insert:
1.  The State Comptroller shall establish the Contract Prisoners Special Revenue Fund on the Commonwealth Accounting and Reporting System to reflect the activities of contracts between the Commonwealth of Virginia and other governmental entities for the housing of prisoners in facilities operated by the Virginia Department of Corrections.
2.  The Department of Corrections shall have the responsibility for recording and maintaining all appropriate accounting records and financial reporting of the fund in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.  The State Comptroller and the Auditor of Public Accounts shall periodically review the Department's accounting and financial reporting procedures for compliance with the requirements of this section.
3.  The Department of Corrections shall monthly transfer net revenue from the
Contract Prisoners Special Revenue Fund to the General Fund, using generally accepted accounting principles as the basis for such transfer.
4.  The Secretary of Finance shall provide the Department anticipation loans of $12,470,246 the first year and $1,095,000 the second year in accordance with §4-3.02 b. of this act.  Such loans shall include repayment terms which anticipate repayment from the final billings to other governmental entities for the housing of prisoners in facilities operated by the Virginia Department of Corrections.
5.  The
Contract Prisoners Special Revenue Fund shall not retain any amounts which it will not finally pay directly."

(This amendment establishes the accounting mechanism for the Commonwealth's contract prison bed program.)