1998 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Local Implementation-ADAPT Automation

Item 397 #7c

Item 397 #7c

First Year - FY1999 Second Year - FY2000
Health And Human Resources
Social Services, Department of FY1999 $1,000,000 FY2000 $0 GF
FY1999 $1,000,000 FY2000 $0 NGF

Page 236, line 44, strike "$48,399,569" and insert "$50,399,569".

(This amendment provides funds for localities who are implementing the ADAPT automated system for processing food stamps, welfare payments, and Medicaid cases. The funds may be used for printers, supplies, training for local staff, or temporary staff for conversion of case records to the ADAPT system. If the locality chooses, funding may be used to offset other administrative expenditures approved by the Department of Social Services.)