1998 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Medicaid Funding in CSA

Item 151 #1c

Item 151 #1c

First Year - FY1999 Second Year - FY2000
Education: Elementary and Secondary
Comprehensive Services for At-Risk Youth and Families FY1999 ($3,610,776) FY2000 ($13,876,534) GF
FY1999 $5,847,034 FY2000 $22,470,663 NGF

Page 115, line 44, strike "$111,758,161" and insert "$113,994,419".
Page 115, line 44, strike "$119,904,889" and insert "$128,499,018".
Page 115, line 50, strike "670,000" and insert "859,257".
Page 116, line 2, after "year." strike "The Fund shall be used to".
Page 116, strike lines 3 through 15.
Page 116, strike lines 22 through 25 and insert:
"C. 1.a. Out of this appropriation, $78,629,223 from the general fund and $14,267,032 from nongeneral funds in the first year and $68,460,751 from the general fund and $30,890,661 from nongeneral funds in the second year, shall be used for the state pool of funds, pursuant to §2.1-757, Code of Virginia.  This appropriation shall consist of a Medicaid pool allocation, and a non-Medicaid pool allocation.
b.  The Medicaid state pool allocation shall consist of $3,407,254 from the general fund and $5,847,034 from nongeneral funds in the first year and $13,094,376 from the general fund and $22,470,663 from nongeneral funds in the second year.  The Office of Comprehensive Services will transfer these funds to the Department of Medical Assistance Services as they are needed to pay Medicaid provider claims.
c.  Revenue derived from local governments for the local match share of Medicaid provider payments, when collected by the Office of Comprehensive Services on behalf of the Department of Medical Assistance Services, shall be paid into a special fund on the books of the State Comptroller, designated as "Comprehensive Services Act Local Match Fund."  Revenues in the Comprehensive Services Act Local Match Fund shall be transferred by the Office of Comprehensive Services to the Department of Medical Assistance Services as needed for reimbursement of the local match share of Medicaid provider claims.  Revenues in the Comprehensive Services Act Local Match Fund shall not revert to the general fund at the end of the fiscal year, but shall be reappropriated for expenditure in the succeeding fiscal year.
d.  The non-Medicaid state pool allocation shall consist of $75,221,969 from the general fund and $8,419,998 in nongeneral funds in the first year and $55,366,375 from the general fund and $8,419,998 in nongeneral funds in the second year.  The nongeneral funds shall be transferred from the Department of Social Services.
2.a.  Out of this appropriation, $20,163,615 from the general fund and $1,000,000 from nongeneral funds in the first year and $25,910,343 from the general fund and $1,000,000 from nongeneral funds in the second year shall be set aside to pay for the state share of supplemental requests from localities that have exceeded their state allocation for mandated services.  The nongeneral funds shall be transferred from the Department of Social Services.
b.  Localities requesting funding from the set aside in paragraph 2.a must demonstrate that their request is based upon an increase in the number of mandated children or that the treatment costs have increased due to the service needs of the children.  Localities must also demonstrate they are in compliance with all the provisions of the Comprehensive Services Act, including uniform assessment, family assessment team reviews, and data collection."
Page 116, line 26, strike "2" and insert "3".
Page 116, line 30, after "provide", strike "quarterly"  and insert:
"information as required by the Office of Comprehensive Services, to include, but not limited to".
Page 116, strike line 31.
Page 116, line 37, strike "3" and insert "4".
Page 116, strike lines 47 through 60.
Page 117, strike lines 1 through 5.
Page 117, strike lines 25 through 38.
Page 117, line 39, strike "8" and insert "7".
Page 117, line 45 after "Act" insert "that are not Medicaid eligible"
Page 117, strike lines 57 through 59 and insert:
"1. Allocations.  The state pool fund allocation for the Medicaid and non-Medicaid allocations shall be the amount specified in C.1.b and C.1.d in this item.  The funds shall be allocated to each locality based on each locality's percentage of actual 1997 Comprehensive Services Act program expenditures to total 1997 program expenditures.
2.  Local Match.  All localities are required to appropriate a local match for the base year funding consisting of the actual aggregate local match rate based on actual total 1997 program expenditures for the Comprehensive Services Act for At-Risk Youth and Families.  This local match rate shall also apply to all reimbursements under this item, including trust fund reimbursements under paragraph A in this item as well as administrative reimbursements under paragraph D.3 in this item.  
Revenue derived from local governments for the local match share of Medicaid provider payments, when collected by the Office of Comprehensive Services on behalf of the Department of Medical Assistance Services, shall be paid into a special fund on the books of the State Comptroller, designated as "Comprehensive Services Act Local Match Fund."  Revenues in the Comprehensive Services Act Local Match Fund shall be transferred by the Office of Comprehensive Services to the Department of Medical Assistance Services as needed for reimbursement of the local match share of Medicaid provider claims.  Revenues in the Comprehensive Services Act Local Match Fund shall not revert to the general fund at the end of the fiscal year, but shall be reappropriated for expenditure in the succeeding fiscal year.
3.  Local Administrative Costs.  Out of this appropriation, an amount not to exceed $638,549 in state funds shall be allocated among all localities for administrative costs.  Every locality shall be required to appropriate a local match based on the local match contribution in paragraph D.2 of this item.  Inclusive of the state allocation and local matching funds, every locality shall receive the larger of $5,000 or an amount equal to one percent of the total pool allocation.  No locality shall receive more than $25,000, inclusive of the state allocation and local matching funds.
4.  Definition.  For purposes of the funding formula in the Comprehensive Services Act for At-Risk Youth and Families, "locality" means city or county."
Page 118, strike lines 1 through 58.
Page 119, strike line 1.
Page 119, line 2, after "June 30" strike "," and insert "each year".
Page 119, line 3 before "shall" strike "1998, and June 30, 1999,".

(This amendment adds state and federal matching Medicaid funds for services provided under the Comprehensive Services Act. Language amendments specify local allocations, match, and administrative reimbursement.)