1998 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Committee Approved)

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VCCS Operations & Maint. Savings

Item 161 #20s

Item 161 #20s

First Year - FY1999 Second Year - FY2000
Education: Higher Education
Virginia Community College System FY1999 ($420,472) FY2000 ($96,557) GF

Page 127, line 6, strike "$361,273,794" and insert "$360,853,322".
Page 127, line 6, strike "$372,721,829" and insert "$372,625,272".

(This amendment captures estimated savings from operations and maintenance costs for buildings where the opening date has been delayed. For the Virginia Community College System, it is anticipated that projects at Mountain Empire, Dabney S. Lancaster, J. Sargeant Reynolds, John Tyler, Lord Fairfax, Northern Virginia, and Southside Vriginia Community Colleges will come on-line a few months later than budgeted.)