| First Year - FY2003 | Second Year - FY2004 | Totals |
Office of Public Safety | $1,969,380,358 $1,897,648,504 | $1,954,434,265 $1,898,554,155 | |
Secretary of Public Safety | $674,264 $620,880 | $668,382 $601,542 | |
401 | Administrative and Support Services | $725,914 $620,880 | $727,411 $601,542 | |
401.10 | Executive Management | -$51,650 | -$59,029 | |
Commonwealth's Attorneys' Services Council | $500,000 $483,607 | $500,000 $456,919 | |
402 | Adjudication Training, Education, and Standards | $619,034 $483,607 | $619,034 $456,919 | |
402.10 | Executive Management | -$119,034 | -$119,034 | |
Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control | $326,498,812 $327,850,177 | $346,210,557 $347,021,815 | |
403 | Crime Detection, Investigation, and Apprehension | $13,309,425 $12,937,690 | $13,309,425 $11,861,483 | |
404 | Alcoholic Beverage Merchandising | $306,180,104 $307,903,204 | $325,891,849 $328,151,049 | |
405 | State Lottery Operations | $7,009,283 | $7,009,283 | |
Department of Correctional Education | $49,726,975 $46,609,905 | $49,446,700 $46,247,886 | |
406 | Administrative and Support Services | $3,234,330 $2,891,805 | $3,241,095 $2,829,930 | |
407 | Instruction | $48,613,622 $43,718,100 | $48,629,579 $43,417,956 | |
407.10 | Executive Management | -$2,120,977 | -$2,423,974 | |
Department of Corrections, Central Activities | $37,776,940 $36,434,306 | $37,849,969 $33,534,124 | |
408 | Administrative and Support Services | $32,585,337 $31,514,739 | $32,658,366 $29,181,658 | |
409 | Criminal Justice Training, Education, and Standards | $3,616,390 $3,415,590 | $3,616,390 $3,265,590 | |
410 | Confinement and Custody Research, Planning, and Coordination | $1,092,384 $1,021,148 | $1,092,384 $604,047 | |
411 | Vending Facilities, Snack Bars, and Cafeterias | $482,829 | $482,829 | |
Division of Community Corrections | $88,616,309 $85,360,365 | $88,587,883 $82,782,438 | |
412 | Administrative and Support Services | $6,761,517 $6,398,963 | $6,761,517 $6,691,517 | |
413 | Administrative and Support Services | $2,419,827 $2,396,638 | $2,419,827 $2,294,832 | |
414 | Community-Based Custody | $7,468,816 | $7,468,816 $6,612,248 | |
415 | Probation and Reentry Services | $56,873,405 $55,719,937 | $56,873,405 $53,836,256 | |
416 | Confinement and Custody Research, Planning, and Coordination | $296,303 | $296,303 | |
417 | Financial Assistance for Confinement in Local Facilities | $28,426 | $0 | |
418 | Secure Confinement | $14,768,015 $13,051,282 | $14,768,015 $13,051,282 | |
Division of Institutions | $668,430,638 $635,479,216 | $650,353,395 $638,607,266 | |
419 | Administrative and Support Services | $46,338,433 $46,131,083 | $46,338,433 $45,777,142 | |
420 | Administrative and Support Services | $217,789,325 $204,249,972 | $217,789,325 $213,345,205 | |
421 | Secure Confinement | $403,981,362 $371,973,416 | $403,346,172 $366,421,577 | |
422 | Classification Services | $7,215,246 $7,070,730 | $7,215,246 $7,000,925 | |
422.10 | Corrections Special Reserve Fund | $0 | $8,402 | |
423 | Agribusiness | $6,054,015 | $6,054,015 | |
424 | Language Only | | |
424.10 | Executive Management | -$12,947,743 | -$30,389,796 | |
Virginia Correctional Enterprises | $36,675,037 $36,175,037 | $37,675,037 $36,675,037 | |
425 | Rehabilitative Industries | $36,675,037 $36,175,037 | $37,675,037 $36,675,037 | |
Department of Criminal Justice Services | $283,050,946 $271,218,935 | $278,357,933 $265,988,108 | |
426 | Administrative and Support Services | $3,410,118 $2,475,118 | $3,412,200 $1,151,409 | |
427 | Criminal Justice Information Systems and Statistics | $266,227 | $266,227 $140,532 | |
428 | Criminal Justice Training, Education, and Standards | $1,817,208 $1,802,208 | $1,817,208 $1,682,118 | |
429 | Crime Detection, Investigation, and Apprehension | $31,013,889 $28,171,889 | $31,013,889 $27,215,039 | |
430 | Criminal Justice Research, Planning, and Coordination | $704,419 | $704,419 $404,419 | |
431 | Asset Forfeiture and Seizure Fund Management and Financial Assistance Program | $2,202,709 $2,402,709 | $2,202,709 $2,402,709 | |
432 | Financial Assistance for Administration of Justice Services | $71,681,790 $65,346,779 | $66,986,695 $62,942,296 | |
433 | Regulation of Professions and Occupations | $1,329,710 $1,274,710 | $1,329,710 $1,274,710 | |
434 | Financial Assistance to Localities-General | $174,274,876 $168,774,876 | $174,274,876 $168,774,876 | |
434.10 | Executive Management | -$3,650,000 | -$3,650,000 | |
Department of Emergency Management | $15,061,268 $14,746,043 | $10,061,268 $9,644,754 | |
435 | Administrative and Support Services | $1,320,398 $1,257,989 | $1,320,398 $1,249,766 | |
436 | Disaster Planning and Operations | $13,740,870 $13,488,054 | $8,740,870 $8,394,988 | |
437 | Language Only | | |
Department of Fire Programs | $13,425,969 $13,713,111 | $13,420,969 $13,644,654 | |
438 | Financial Assistance to Localities-General | $10,436,175 $10,691,775 | $10,431,175 $10,691,775 | |
439 | Fire Services Assistance | $2,989,794 $3,021,336 | $2,989,794 $2,952,879 | |
Department of Juvenile Justice | $200,575,286 $188,035,870 | $201,550,225 $184,713,948 | |
440 | Administrative and Support Services | $14,136,266 $13,146,747 | $14,136,266 $12,395,731 | |
441 | Administrative and Support Services | $23,926,290 $23,198,957 | $23,926,290 $23,448,957 | |
442 | Omitted | | |
443 | Community-Based Custody | $27,714,555 $21,454,555 | $27,714,555 $19,704,555 | |
444 | Probation and Reentry Services | $56,255,647 $50,990,186 | $56,255,647 $50,787,748 | |
445 | Confinement and Custody Research, Planning, and Coordination | $11,949 | $11,949 | |
446 | Financial Assistance for Confinement in Local Facilities | $32,460,172 $28,226,146 | $37,615,480 $29,947,678 | |
447 | Language Only | | |
448 | Secure Confinement | $51,412,996 $48,987,330 | $48,312,996 $46,397,330 | |
449 | Protective Services | $2,220,000 $2,020,000 | $2,220,000 $2,020,000 | |
449.10 | Executive Management | -$7,562,589 | -$8,642,958 | |
Department of Military Affairs | $23,368,449 $23,043,496 | $23,331,996 $26,001,824 | |
450 | Administrative and Support Services | $1,566,000 $1,449,797 | $1,529,547 $1,411,053 | |
451 | Higher Education Student Financial Assistance | $1,600,000 | $1,600,000 | |
452 | Instruction | $2,854,196 | $2,854,196 | |
453 | Defense Preparedness | $17,162,047 $16,953,297 | $17,162,047 $19,950,369 | |
454 | Disaster Planning and Operations | sum sufficient | |
455 | Auxiliary Enterprise for National Guard Operations | $186,206 | $186,206 | |
Department of State Police | $224,293,841 $217,215,316 | $215,750,141 $212,010,241 | |
456 | Administrative and Support Services | $11,461,714 $10,497,729 | $11,576,159 $10,226,929 | |
457 | Criminal Justice Information Systems and Statistics | $30,785,637 $30,316,231 | $27,785,637 $26,759,524 | |
458 | Criminal Justice Training, Education, and Standards | $3,261,525 | $3,261,525 | |
459 | Crime Detection, Investigation, and Apprehension | $160,939,391 $154,406,887 | $155,404,769 $153,204,319 | |
460 | Ground Transportation System Safety | $18,247,804 $18,334,604 | $18,247,804 $18,159,604 | |
461 | Vending Facilities, Snack Bars, and Cafeterias | $398,340 | $398,340 | |
462 | Language Only | | |
462.10 | Executive Management | -$800,570 | -$924,093 | |
Virginia Parole Board | $705,624 $662,240 | $669,810 $623,599 | |
463 | Probation and Reentry Services | $705,624 $662,240 | $669,810 $623,599 | |