2019 Session

Budget Bill - SB1100 (Introduced)

Virginia Retirement System

Item 488

Item 488

First Year - FY2019Second Year - FY2020
Administrative and Support Services (79900)$41,124,684
General Management and Direction (79901)FY2019 $19,814,712
FY2020 $14,256,589
Information Technology Services (79902)FY2019 $21,309,972FY2020 $21,985,221
Fund Sources:  
Trust and AgencyFY2019 $41,124,684
FY2020 $36,241,810

Authority: Title 51.1, Chapters 1, 2, 2.1, and 3, Code of Virginia.

A. Out of the amounts appropriated to this Item, the director is authorized to expend an amount not to exceed $25,000 the first year and $25,000 the second year for expenses commonly borne by business enterprises. Such expenses shall be recorded separately by the agency.

B. Out of the amounts appropriated to this item, an amount not to exceed $300,000 the first year and $300,000 the second year is designated to provide retirement-related services in support of the Commission on Employee Retirement Security and Pension Reform created pursuant to the passage of Chapter 683, 2016 Acts of Assembly.