2019 Session

Budget Bill - SB1100 (Introduced)

Department of Planning and Budget

Item 271

Item 271

First Year - FY2019Second Year - FY2020
Planning, Budgeting, and Evaluation Services (71500)$7,963,865$8,015,465
Budget Development and Budget Execution Services (71502)FY2019 $5,688,400FY2020 $5,688,400
Forecasting and Regulatory Review Services (71505)FY2019 $1,124,374FY2020 $1,175,974
Program Evaluation Services (71506)FY2019 $678,507FY2020 $678,507
Administrative Services (71598)FY2019 $472,584FY2020 $472,584
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2019 $7,963,865FY2020 $8,015,465

Authority: Title 2.2, Chapter 15, Code of Virginia.

A. The Department of Planning and Budget shall be responsible for continued development and coordination of an integrated, systematic policy analysis, planning, budgeting, performance measurement and evaluation process within state government. The department shall collaborate with the Governor's Secretaries and all other agencies of state government and other entities as necessary to ensure that information generated from these processes is useful for managing and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of state government operations.

B. The Department of Planning and Budget shall be responsible for the continued development and coordination of a review process for strategic plans and performance measures of the state agencies. The review process shall assess on a periodic basis the structure and content of the plans and performance measures, the processes used to develop and implement the plans and measures, the degree to which agencies achieve intended goals and results, and the relation between intended and actual results and budget requirements.

C.1. Notwithstanding § 2.2-1508, Code of Virginia, or any other provisions of law, on or before December 20, the Department of Planning and Budget shall deliver to the presiding officer of each house of the General Assembly a copy of the budget document containing the explanation of the Governor's budget recommendations. This copy may be in electronic format.

2. The Department of Planning and Budget shall include in the budget document the amount of projected spending and projected net tax-supported state debt for each year of the biennium on a per capita basis. For this purpose, "spending" is defined as total appropriations from all funds for the cited fiscal years as shown in the Budget Bill. The most current population estimates from the Weldon Cooper Center for Public Services shall be used to make the calculations.

D. Notwithstanding any contrary provision of law, any school division may also request the Department of Planning and Budget to assist in the coordination of a school efficiency review for the division, including but not limited to the selection of the contractor to conduct that school division's review. Each participating school division shall pay 100 percent of the cost of the review.