2019 Session

Budget Bill - HB1700 (Reenrolled)

Department of Conservation and Recreation

Item C-27

Item C-27

First Year - FY2019Second Year - FY2020
New Construction: Acquire and develop land for Middle Peninsula State Park (18355)$145,000$0
Fund Sources:  
SpecialFY2019 $145,000FY2020 $0

Notwithstanding § 10.1-200.1, Code of Virginia, and any other provision of law, the department is authorized to acquire, by donation, land and any improvements to expand Middle Peninsula State Park. In addition, the department is authorized to further develop the property using funds it may receive for this purpose in accordance with the provisions set in the Surry-Skiffes Creek Transmission Line Memorandum of Understanding and Mitigation Project Agreements, and as agreed to by the Army Corps of Engineers.