2019 Session

Budget Bill - HB1700 (Enrolled)

Utility Bill Credits

Item 3-3.02

Item 3-3.02


Utility bill credits pursuant to the provisions of House Bill 1558, 2018 Session of the General Assembly, in an amount estimated to be $3,400,000 shall accrue to state agencies on or before June 30, 2019. Out of this amount, the Comptroller shall transfer into the Federal Repayment Reserve Fund an amount estimated to be sufficient to pay the federal government in anticipation of a federal repayment. The State Comptroller shall notify the Director, Department of Planning and Budget of the final federal repayment transfer amount prior to making the transfer into the Federal Repayment Reserve Fund. The Director, Department of Planning and Budget and the State Comptroller are authorized to utilize a combination of nongeneral fund cash transfers and general fund appropriation transfers from applicable state agencies in order to recover these rebate amounts to the general fund.