2019 Session

Budget Bill - HB1700 (Chapter 854)

Richard Bland College

Item 156

Item 156

First Year - FY2019Second Year - FY2020
Higher Education Student Financial Assistance (10800)$1,047,077$1,127,644
Scholarships (10810)FY2019 $1,047,077FY2020 $1,127,644
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2019 $987,077FY2020 $1,067,644
Higher Education OperatingFY2019 $60,000FY2020 $60,000

Authority: Title 23.1, Chapter 28, Code of Virginia.

Up to 15 percent of the funding in this item may be used to support Virginia Guaranteed Assistance Program eligible students for (1) priority funding who are enrolled in Data Science and Technology, Science and Engineering, Healthcare and Education programs and (2) as a grant for students in innovative internship programs provided that the institutions has at least one private sector partner and the grant is matched equally by the partner with non-state funding and / or the institution from private funds.