2014 1

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Item 357 Amendments

First Year - FY2015Second Year - FY2016
Member Request
357#1hReduce WQIF Deposit-$757,000$0
357#2hProbable Maximum Precipitation Investigation$485,000$0
357#3hNatural Heritage Funding$900,000$900,000
357#5hSurplus Distributed by Soil and Water Conservation Board (Language Only)
357#6hAgricultural Best Management Practices Funding$3,200,000$23,000,000
357#7hShoreline Erosion Advisory Services (SEAS)$200,000$200,000
357#8hAdditional SWCD Funding$1,200,500$1,200,500
357#9hAdded Funding for Rappahannock River Basin Commission$6,500$6,500
357#10hRappahannock River Basin Stream Gauges Study$170,000$0
357#11hChesapeake Bay License Plate Advisory Committee$253,750$0
357#12hNutient-Sediment Loading in Augusta Rivers$85,000$77,000
357#13hFEMA Flood Insurance Payment Reduction$1,000,000$1,000,000
Committee Approved
357#1hSurplus Distributed by Soil and Water Conservation Board (Language Only)
357#2hShoreline Erosion Advisory Services (SEAS)$100,000$100,000
357#3hAdded Funding for Rappahannock River Basin Commission$6,500$6,500
357#4hRappahannock River Basin Stream Gauges Study$80,000$80,000
357#5hChesapeake Bay License Plate Advisory Committee$253,750$0
357#6hNutient-Sediment Loading in Augusta Rivers$85,000$0
357#7hReduce Appropriation-Virginia Natural Resources Commitment Fund (Language Only)
357#8hThis Amendment Clarifies the Amount Available from the General Fund (Language Only)
357#9hCapture One-Time Dam Funding-$1,131,706-$1,131,706
357#10hReduce New Engineering Positions-$112,500-$112,500
Floor Approved
357#1hSurplus Distributed by Soil and Water Conservation Board (Language Only)
357#2hShoreline Erosion Advisory Services (SEAS)$100,000$100,000
357#3hAdded Funding for Rappahannock River Basin Commission$6,500$6,500
357#4hRappahannock River Basin Stream Gauges Study$80,000$80,000
357#5hChesapeake Bay License Plate Advisory Committee$253,750$0
357#6hNutient-Sediment Loading in Augusta Rivers$85,000$0
357#7hReduce Appropriation-Virginia Natural Resources Commitment Fund (Language Only)
357#8hThis Amendment Clarifies the Amount Available from the General Fund (Language Only)
357#9hCapture One-Time Dam Funding-$1,131,706-$1,131,706
357#10hReduce New Engineering Positions-$112,500-$112,500