2012 1

Budget Bill - SB30 (Introduced)

Item 330 Amendments

First Year - FY2013Second Year - FY2014
Member Request
330#1sRestore Funding for the Consumer Services Fund$75,000$75,000
330#2sCenters for Independent Living$394,619$394,619
330#3sRestore Funding for Employment Supports$1,540,882$1,809,885
330#4sNational Rehabilitation and Rediscovery Foundation, Inc.$150,000$150,000
330#5sRestore GF and Expand Brain Injury Services$6,500,000$6,500,000
330#6sRestore Funding for Brain Injury Services$600,000$600,000
330#7sFoundation for Rehabilitation Equipment and Endowment (FREE)$300,000$300,000
330#8sRestore GF for Centers for Independent Living$306,866$306,866
Committee Approved
330#1sRestore Funding for Center for Independent Living$87,753$87,753
330#2sRestore Funding for Employment Supports$269,063$269,063
330#3sRestore Funding for Brain Injury Services$77,973$77,973
330#4sRestore Funding for Personal Assistance Services$70,000$70,000