Member Request | | |
335#1s | Lang not changed in Section C.1 to Reflect Increase (Language Only) |
335#2s | Emergency Regulatory Auth-Medicaid DRG Rates (Language Only) |
335#3s | Nursing Home Reimbursement Method (Language Only) |
335#4s | Nursing Home Increase-Nursing Staff Targeted Part | $0 | $68,093,110 |
335#5s | Personal Care Rate Increase | $0 | $17,887,516 |
335#6s | Dental Care Reimbursement (Language Only) |
335#7s | Report on Nursing Home Reimbursement (Language Only) |
335#8s | Adult Day Health Care Rate Increase | $0 | $360,700 |
335#9s | Revised Assisted Living Waiver (Language Only) |
335#10s | Evaluate Telemedicine Reimbursement (Language Only) |
335#11s | Coverage of Family Planning Services | $0 | $1,137,000 |
335#12s | $10/Day Nursing Facility Rate Increase | $0 | $68,093,110 |
335#13s | Providers Work Groups (Language Only) |
335#14s | Medicaid Autism Waiver (Language Only) |
335#15s | Chemotherapy & Bone Marrow Transplants | $0 | $870,000 |
335#16s | Anesthesiology Rate Increase | $0 | $3,900,000 |
335#17s | Nursing Homes-Remove Occupancy Standard | $0 | $1,034,126 |
335#18s | Increase for NH Nursing Staff | $0 | $28,955,532 |
335#19s | Adults Homes-Intensive Assistance, $180 to $653/mo. | $0 | $6,388,338 |
335#20s | Adult Homes-Assisted Living, $90 to $528/mo. | $0 | $6,968,580 |
335#21s | Increased Use-Adult Home Rate Increase | $0 | $17,774,000 |
335#22s | 10% Medicaid Increase for Physicians | $0 | $18,000,000 |
335#23s | Developmentally Disabled Waiver (Language Only) |
335#24s | Delay Medicaid for Residential Care (Language Only) |
335#25s | Transportation Costs-Mtn. Empire Aging Agency | $0 | $208,000 |
Committee Approved | | |
335#1s | Lang not changed in Section C.1 to Reflect Increase (Language Only) |
335#2s | Emergency Regulatory Auth-Medicaid DRG Rates (Language Only) |
335#4s | Nursing Home Increase-Nursing Staff Targeted Part | $0 | $14,477,766 |
335#5s | Personal Care Rate Increase | $0 | $9,109,150 |
335#6s | Dental Care Reimbursement (Language Only) |
335#9s | Revised Assisted Living Waiver (Language Only) |
335#10s | Evaluate Telemedicine Reimbursement (Language Only) |
335#11s | Coverage of Family Planning Services | $0 | $568,500 |
335#14s | Medicaid Autism Waiver (Language Only) |
335#15s | Chemotherapy & Bone Marrow Transplants | $0 | $497,500 |
335#16s | Anesthesiology Rate Increase | $0 | $975,000 |
335#21s | Increased Use-Adult Home Rate Increase | $0 | $2,320,267 |
335#23s | Developmentally Disabled Waiver (Language Only) |
335#25s | Transportation Costs-Mtn. Empire Aging Agency | $208,000 | $0 |
335#26s | Review of Organ Transplant Policies (Language Only) |
335#27s | Remove Upper Limits on MHMR Facilities (Language Only) |
335#28s | Estimated Reduction in Medicaid Costs | -$2,400,000 | -$4,000,000 |
335#29s | MCV Indigent Care. | $0 | $7,600,000 |
335#30s | UVA Indigent Care | $0 | $2,600,000 |
335#31s | Regular Report on Improving Access to Dental Care (Language Only) |
335#32s | Coverage of Obesity Drugs (Language Only) |
335#33s | Increased Set-Aside for Burial Expenses | $0 | $620,476 |
Conference Report | | |
335#1c | Lang not changed in Section C.1 to Reflect Increase (Language Only) |
335#2c | Emergency Regulatory Auth-Medicaid DRG Rates (Language Only) |
335#3c | Personal Care Rate Increase | $0 | $9,077,234 |
335#6c | Dental Care Reimbursement (Language Only) |
335#9c | Revised Assisted Living Waiver (Language Only) |
335#9c | Adult Day Health Care Rate Increase | $0 | $360,700 |
335#10c | Evaluate Telemedicine Reimbursement (Language Only) |
335#11c | Report Nursing Facility Payment Implementation (Language Only) |
335#15c | Chemotherapy & Bone Marrow Transplants | $0 | $497,500 |
335#16c | Shared Personal Care Hours in HCBS Waiver (Language Only) |
335#16c | Anesthesiology Rate Increase | $0 | $487,500 |
335#17c | Increased Utilization from ACR Rate Increase | $0 | $2,224,360 |
335#20c | Coverage of Family Planning Services | $0 | $568,500 |
335#25c | Transportation Costs-Mtn. Empire Aging Agency | $208,000 | $0 |
335#26c | Review of Organ Transplant Policies (Language Only) |
335#27c | Remove Upper Limits on MHMR Facilities (Language Only) |
335#27c | Nursing Facility Per Diem Increase | $0 | $21,716,649 |
335#28c | Estimated Reduction in Medicaid Costs | -$4,955,606 | -$8,273,009 |
335#29c | MCV Indigent Care. | $0 | $7,600,000 |
335#30c | UVA Indigent Care | $0 | $1,344,364 |
335#31c | Regular Report on Improving Access to Dental Care (Language Only) |
335#32c | Coverage of Obesity Drugs (Language Only) |
335#32c | Developmentally Disabled Waiver (Language Only) |
335#33c | Increased Set-Aside for Burial Expenses | $0 | $620,476 |
335#39c | Authority for Treatment Foster Care (Language Only) |