1998 1

Budget Bill - SB30 (Introduced)

Item 3-1.01 Amendments

First Year - FY1999Second Year - FY2000
Committee Approved
3-1.01#3sIncrease lottery transfer to the general fund (Language Only)
3-1.01#4sVA Econ Dev Loan Fund (Language Only)
3-1.01#5sBusiness Modernization Loan Program (Language Only)
3-1.01#6sFlood Prevention & Protection Fund (Language Only)
3-1.01#7sContract Prisoners Special Fund Transfer (Language Only)
3-1.01#8sIncrease Lottery Transfers - Pay Plan (Language Only)
3-1.01#9sConstitutional Officers' Liability Insurance Excess Reserves (Language Only)
3-1.01#10sTransfer Excess DIT Balances to the General Fund (Language Only)
3-1.01#11sMedical Malpractice Insurance Excess Reserves (Language Only)
3-1.01#12sTransfer of MHMR Balances (Language Only)
Conference Report
3-1.01#1cABC profit reduction for tobacco law enforcement (Language Only)
3-1.01#2cProperty/liability insurance trust funds to retain interest earnings (Language Only)
3-1.01#3cIncrease lottery transfer to the general fund (Language Only)
3-1.01#5cBusiness Modernization Loan Program (Language Only)
3-1.01#7cAG Excess Debt Collection Balances (Language Only)
3-1.01#8cContract prison bed fund transfers to GF (Language Only)
3-1.01#9cConstitutional Officers' Liability Insurance Excess Reserves (Language Only)
3-1.01#11cMedical Malpractice Insurance Excess Reserves (Language Only)
3-1.01#12cTransfer of MHMR Balances (Language Only)
3-1.01#13cTransfer NGF Reductions for DIT Rates (Language Only)
3-1.01#14cDIT Reserve Transfer (Language Only)
3-1.01#15cTransfer of Unclaimed Lottery Prizes (Language Only)