Authority: Title 63.1, Chapter 6.2 and 6.3, Code of Virginia; P.L. 104-193, Federal Code.
A. Included in the amount for Financial Assistance for Employment Services is $1,098,403 from the general fund and $2,164,708 from nongeneral funds the first year and $1,098,403 from the general fund and $2,164,708 from nongeneral funds the second year for services provided under the Food Stamp Employment Training Program.
C. By July 1, 1997, the Department of Social Services, in collaboration with local departments of social services, shall develop minimum performance standards for all local departments of social services participating in the Virginia Initiative for Employment, Not Welfare (VIEW) program. For fiscal year 1998 the Department shall allocate VIEW funds to local departments of social services based on these performance standards and VIEW caseloads. The allocation formula shall be developed in cooperation with the local social services departments and the Department of Planning and Budget.
D. Out of the appropriation for this item, $240,129 the second year in nongeneral funds shall be provided to Russell County, in collaboration with other public and private entities to develop and implement job placement, employment training, and skills training for participants in the Virginia Initiative for Employment, Not Welfare (VIEW) program.
E. Out of the appropriation for this item, $2,500,000 the second year from nongeneral funds shall be used to develop regional transportation initiatives for participants in the Virginia Initiative for Employment, Not Welfare (VIEW) program. The Commissioner of Social Services shall develop a grant program in cooperation with the Department of Rail and Public Transportation for local departments of social services to receive funding for these transportation initiatives. In developing the program, the Department shall give preference for regional initiatives and other factors identified by the Secretaries of Transportation, Health and Human Resources, and Commerce and Trade in their report on transportation and welfare reform.
F. To the extent permitted by federal law, food stamp recipients subject to a work requirement pursuant to §824 of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, Public Law Number 104-193, shall be permitted to satisfy such work requirement by providing volunteer services to a public or private, non-profit agency for the number of hours per month determined by dividing the household's monthly food stamp allotment by the federal minimum wage.
G. As a condition of the appropriation for this Item, the Commissioner of the Department of Social Services shall allow participants in the Virginia Initiative for Employment, Not Welfare (VIEW) program who are enrolled in a full-time education or skills training program to satisfy the requirement to be engaged in a work activity for at least eight hours per week with a Community Work Experience Program placement for at least eight hours per week, if no private sector placement for eight hours per week is available or feasible.