Item 321 (Not set out) | First Year - FY1997 | Second Year - FY1998 |
Administrative and Support Services (47900) | $52,897,462 | $47,843,959 |
General Management and Direction (47901) | FY1997 $47,626,492 | FY1998 $43,813,989 |
Computer Services (47902) | FY1997 $5,270,970 | FY1998 $4,029,970 |
Fund Sources: | | |
General | FY1997 $21,619,736 | FY1998 $19,368,434 |
Federal Trust | FY1997 $31,277,726 | FY1998 $28,475,525 |
Authority: P.L. 89-87, as amended, Title XIX, Social Security Act, Federal Code; Title 32.1, Chapters 9 and 10, Code of Virginia.
A. By November 15 of each year, the Department of Medical Assistance Services, in cooperation with the Department of Planning and Budget, shall prepare and submit a forecast of Medicaid expenditures, upon which the Governor's budget recommendations will be based, for the current and subsequent two years to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees. The forecast shall detail the number of new nursing home beds expected to be added each year and the resulting impact on the Medicaid budget.
B. This appropriation includes $417,750 from the general fund and $417,750 from the federal trust fund the first year and $447,750 from the general fund and $447,750 from the federal trust fund the second year for the Resource Mother Program. These funds shall be administered by the Department of Health.
C. Out of this appropriation, $400,000 the first year and $400,000 the second year from the general fund shall be provided for the Department to match with federal funding, consistent with federal law, for teenage pregnancy prevention programs administered by the Virginia Department of Health.
D. Out of the appropriations for this item, $40,000 the second year from the general fund shall be provided for the Department to contract for an independent evaluation of the inspection and regulatory process conducted by the Virginia Department of Health's Office of Health Facilities for ensuring quality care in nursing facilities. The evaluation shall include an assessment of the extent to which federal regulatory requirements may negatively impact the ability of nursing facilities to provide quality care, as well as an assessment of the impact the inspection and regulatory process has on the quality of care provided by facilities. The evaluation shall also include alternatives to providing patient care in the event a nursing facility loses Medicaid certification. The results and recommendations from the evaluation shall be reported to the Chairmen of the following committees: House Appropriations; House Health, Welfare and Institutions; Senate Finance; Senate Education and Health; and the Joint Commission on Health Care, by December 1, 1997.