1998 Session

Budget Bill - HB30 (Chapter 464)

Department of Historic Resources

Item 433

Item 433

First Year - FY1999Second Year - FY2000
Historic and Commemorative Attraction Management (50200)$2,364,233$2,288,163
Financial Assistance for Historic and Commemorative Attractions (50204)FY1999 $70,920FY2000 $58,920
Historic Structures Conservation and Assistance Services (50205)FY1999 $2,293,313FY2000 $2,229,243
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY1999 $1,642,247FY2000 $1,561,994
SpecialFY1999 $125,216FY2000 $125,216
Federal TrustFY1999 $596,770FY2000 $600,953

Authority: Title 10.1, Chapters 22 and 23, Code of Virginia.

A. General fund appropriations for historic and commemorative attractions not identified in § 10.1-2211, Code of Virginia, shall be matched by local or private sources, either in cash or in kind, in amounts at least equal to the appropriation and which are deemed to be acceptable to the Department.

B. In emergency situations which shall be defined as those posing a threat to life, safety or property, § 10.1-2213, Code of Virginia, shall not apply.

C. Out of the amounts for Financial Assistance for Historic and Commemorative Attractions shall be paid from the general fund:

1. Grants to the following organization for the purposes prescribed in § 10.1-2211, Code of Virginia:

United Daughters of the Confederacy $58,920 $58,920

Notwithstanding the cited Code section, the United Daughters of the Confederacy shall make disbursements to the treasurers of Confederate memorial associations and chapters of the United Daughters of the Confederacy for the purposes stated in that section. By November 1 of each year, the United Daughters of the Confederacy shall submit to the Director of the Department of Historic Resources a report documenting the disbursement of these funds for their specified purpose.

2. Grants to organizations owning the following landmarks for the purposes described in § 10.1-2213, Code of Virginia:

J.E.B. Stuart Camp for Huguenot Springs Confederate Cemetery $12,000 $0

D. Any June 30, 1998, and June 30, 1999, unexpended balances for Financial Assistance for Historic and Commemorative Attractions grants, and for Survey and Planning Cost Challenge Agreements within Historic Structures Conservation and Assistance Services are hereby reappropriated if the following conditions are met:

1. The organization awarded the grant shall have obtained the required matching funds.

2. The organization shall have a written plan to complete the project within one more year, in accordance with policy established by the Department of Historic Resources, and the plan shall have been approved by the Department.

3. The unexpended balances for a grant shall be reappropriated once only, unless the General Assembly authorizes an additional reappropriation.

E. Out of the amounts for Historic and Commemorative Attraction Management, $50,000 the first year from the general fund shall be deposited in the Preservation Easement Fund established pursuant to House Bill 815, 1998 General Assembly.