1998 Session

Budget Bill - HB29 (Introduced)

Department of Conservation and Recreation

Item 419

Item 419 (Not set out)

First Year - FY1997Second Year - FY1998
Leisure and Recreation Services (50400)$14,420,681$15,409,798
Preservation of Open-Space Lands (50401)FY1997 $56,117FY1998 $331,117
Recreation Assistance and Information (50402)FY1997 $1,153,957FY1998 $783,957
Recreation Facilities Maintenance and Operation (50404)FY1997 $12,482,419FY1998 $13,566,536
Recreation Services (50406)FY1997 $728,188FY1998 $728,188
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY1997 $11,268,469FY1998 $11,229,586
SpecialFY1997 $2,335,649FY1998 $3,363,649
Federal TrustFY1997 $816,563FY1998 $816,563

Authority: Title 10.1, Chapters 1, 2, 2.1, 3, 4, 4.1, and 17, Code of Virginia.

A.1. Out of the amounts for Recreation Assistance and Information shall be paid the Commonwealth's matching share of support for the operation and maintenance of Breaks Interstate Park, not to exceed $170,000 the first year and $200,000 the second year from the general fund.

2. The Breaks Interstate Parks Commission shall provide quarterly financial reports detailing all revenues and expenditures to the Director of Conservation and Recreation. The Commission shall also submit an annual audit of a fiscal and compliance nature of its accounts and transactions to the Auditor of Public Accounts.

3. The amounts for Recreation Assistance and Information include $200,000 the first year from the general fund to continue implementing Phase I of the Breaks Interstate Park master capital development plan.

B. The June 30, 1996, and June 30, 1997, unexpended balances in the subprogram Recreation Assistance and Information, for "Aid in Planning, Acquisition and Development of Regional and Local Parks and Statewide Trails" are hereby reappropriated.

C. General fund appropriations in the subprogram Recreation Assistance and Information for "Aid in Planning, Acquisition and Development of Regional and Local Parks and Statewide Trails" shall be paid to the Virginia Outdoor Recreation Grant and Revolving Loan Fund, created pursuant to Item 406, Chapter 893, Acts of Assembly of 1992, which shall be established on the books of the Comptroller as a non-reverting revolving fund. All grant funds shall be deposited to the Virginia Outdoor Recreation Grant and Revolving Loan Fund. All loan proceeds shall be deposited to the Virginia Outdoor Recreation Grant and Revolving Loan Fund, for the purpose of making additional loans. The agency shall not reduce general fund amounts for the Virginia Outdoors Foundation below the level provided in fiscal year 1995-96.

D. Net revenues generated from forest product sales on public park, recreational, and conservation lands owned or managed by the Department of Conservation and Recreation shall be deposited in the Conservation Resources Fund (§ 10.1-202, Code of Virginia). From the total revenues collected by the Department, the Department shall reimburse the Department of Forestry or other sources of forestry expertise for their expenses related to the management, harvesting, and reforestation of the Departmental lands.

E. The amounts for Recreation Facilities Maintenance and Operation include $150,000 the first year and $150,000 the second year from special fund revenues from park operations for a program of in-state travel advertising. Such travel advertising shall feature Virginia State Parks and the localities or regions in which the parks are located. To the extent possible the Department shall enter into cooperative advertising agreements with the Virginia Division of Tourism and local entities, to maximize the effectiveness of expenditures for advertising. The Department is further authorized to enter into a cooperative advertising agreement with the Virginia Association of Broadcasters.

F. The revenues and expenses for state-operated concessions shall be maintained in separate accounts. All revenue from private concession operations shall be deposited by separate revenue code to the Conservation Resources Fund.

G. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 10.1-202, Code of Virginia, amounts deposited to the Conservation Resources Fund may be used to extend the operating season of various state parks and to provide for an in-house reservation system for the state park system.

H. The Department of Conservation and Recreation may develop and issue a proposal for management of a selected state park by a private vendor on a pilot basis. The State Treasurer, the Attorney General and the Auditor of Public Accounts shall review the form and content of any request for proposal and any subsequent contract. The Department of Planning and Budget shall evaluate any such proposed contract to determine whether or not such contract demonstrates a cost benefit to the Commonwealth when compared to alternative means of providing the proposed services through governmental agencies. Prior to issuing any request for proposal and prior to executing any contract, the Department of Conservation and Recreation shall report its plans to the Chairmen of the House Committees on Conservation and Natural Resources and Appropriations and Senate Committees on Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources and Finance. The Department of Conservation and Recreation may reduce or cease operation of a state park only for the purposes specified in this paragraph and only upon execution of a contract approved by the Governor.

I. The Department of Conservation and Recreation, in cooperation with the Department of Corrections, shall increase the use of inmate labor for routine work projects in state parks and natural areas with a goal of utilizing 200 inmates on a full time basis.

J. Notwithstanding any executive order, executive policy, or provision of this act, the Department shall fill by August 1, 1996, all authorized park ranger positions and temporary support positions that were vacant as of January 8, 1996, and that have been appropriated for in this act.

K. Out of this item $200,000 the first year from the general fund shall be transferred to the County of Franklin as the state's share of planning a park on the Franklin County side of Smith Mountain Lake.

L. The Department shall study the sediment problems at Bear Creek Lake located at the state-owned park in Cumberland County. The study shall (1) identify the portions of the lake that are no longer suitable for fishing, boating, and swimming; (2) identify the source or sources causing the problems and alternative actions and costs, including the costs to dredge the lake and dispose of the material; and (3) develop recommendations to address the situation. The Department shall report its findings and recommendations to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees by November 5, 1997.

M. Out of the amounts for Leisure and Recreation Services, $225,000 the second year from the general fund shall be deposited to the Open Space Preservation Trust Fund established pursuant to House Bill 2044 (1997).

N. As a condition of the appropriation for this item, the Department of Conservation and Recreation shall grant the Department of Corrections grazing rights to 700 acres of pasture at Sky Meadows State Park. The Department of Corrections shall use this pasture for its heifer program to further the Commonwealth's policy of making the corrections system self-sufficient for food production.