Item 418 (Not set out) | First Year - FY1997 | Second Year - FY1998 |
Administrative and Support Services (51900) | $3,286,621 | $3,233,310 |
General Management and Direction (51901) | FY1997 $2,604,441 | FY1998 $2,551,130 |
Public Information Services (51919) | FY1997 $682,180 | FY1998 $682,180 |
Fund Sources: | | |
General | FY1997 $3,282,981 | FY1998 $3,229,670 |
Special | FY1997 $3,640 | FY1998 $3,640 |
Authority: Title 10.1, Chapters 1 through 10.2 and Title 58.1, Chapter 32, Article 4, Code of Virginia.
A. As a condition of the appropriation in this item, the Department of Conservation and Recreation shall fill, by June 30, 1997, all authorized full-time positions that were vacant as of January 1, 1997, and that have been appropriated for in this act. If the Department cannot comply, then the Director shall provide an explanation to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations, House Conservation and Natural Resources, Senate Finance, and Senate Agriculture, Conservation, and Natural Resources Committees, documenting the reasons the positions could not be filled and issuing a revised hiring schedule.
B. As a condition of the appropriation in this item and notwithstanding any contrary provision of law, the Director of the Department of Conservation and Recreation shall not undertake reorganization of any division or unit of the Department beyond such actions completed on January 1, 1997, pending completion of the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission study pursuant to Item 14 of this Act. The Director is authorized, however, to temporarily assign staff between divisions or units for specific job tasks and activities, provided that such assignments are fewer than 180 days in duration.
C. The Department of Conservation and Recreation shall provide monthly reports to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees on its progress in obligating and expending funds authorized for State Parks and Natural Areas pursuant to the 1992 general obligation bond issue.