Language Page 623, after line 12, insert: "C-24.10 Improvements: Renovate Southeastern Virginia Training Center $20,000,000$0 Fund Sources: General $20,000,000 $0 " Out of this appropriation, the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services shall renovate and improve space at Southeastern Virginia Training Center to include necessary improvements to establish 50 skilled licensed nursing beds. Upon completion of this project, the Department shall transfer operations of Hiram Davis Medical Center to Southeastern Virginia Training Center."
Out of this appropriation, the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services shall renovate and improve space at Southeastern Virginia Training Center to include necessary improvements to establish 50 skilled licensed nursing beds. Upon completion of this project, the Department shall transfer operations of Hiram Davis Medical Center to Southeastern Virginia Training Center."
(This amendment provides $20.0 million GF the first year for the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services to improve Southeastern Virginia Training Center, including necessary improvements to establish 50 skilled licensing nursing beds.)