2025 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Sturtevant
National Guard Referral Enlistment Program (SB 767)

Item 465 #1s

Item 465 #1s

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Veterans and Defense Affairs
Department of Military Affairs FY2025 $200,000 FY2026 $200,000 GF

Page 572, line 52, strike "$11,307,480" and insert "$11,507,480".
Page 572, line 52, strike "$10,846,480" and insert "$11,046,480".

Page 573, line 13, strike "$50,000 the first year and $50,000 the second year" and insert "$250,000 the first year and $250,000 the second year".


(This amendment provides $200,000 GF each year to increase from $50,000 to $250,000 the annual amount of grant funding that the Department of Military Affairs may use to recruit qualified applicants for service in the Virginia National Guard through the Department's Referral Enlistment Program. This amendment is associated with Senate Bill 767.)