2025 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Perry
DVS Study of Gaps in Services in Virginia

Item 458 #1s

Item 458 #1s

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Veterans and Defense Affairs
Department of Veterans Services FY2025 $0 FY2026 $250,000 GF

Page 570, line 47, strike "$4,420,353" and insert "$4,670,353".

Page 570, after line 53, insert:

"A. The Department of Veterans Services (Department) shall study the accessibility of and gaps in services for veterans in Virginia. In conducting its study, the Department shall (i) determine if there are a sufficient number of offices open across the Commonwealth as to not inconvenience or prevent veterans from accessing an office in person or create unnecessarily long wait times for assistance; (ii) assess the numbers, roles, and allocation of staff at all offices, medical facilities, and cemeteries overseen by the Department of Veterans Affairs and determine if staffing levels are sufficient to provide quality care and services; (iii) identify any gaps in outreach to veterans regarding the benefits and assistance offered through the Department and its programs; (iv) identify other potential barriers to accessing services, such as access to transportation or the availability of broadband to determine locations of offices for veterans services or health care facilities; (v) analyze current training provided to staff in veterans services offices and suggest additional yearly trainings or other continued training to educate staff on updates in the law affecting services to veterans; (vi) determine (a) the cost of opening a new veterans services office and (b) the cost of moving an existing office to a new locality that is currently without a veterans services office and the resulting impact on the veteran population in the area from which such office was moved; (vii) provide recommendations for improving starting salaries and the overall pay structure for veterans services representatives to facilitate the retention of trained employees and reduce turnover; and (viii) provide recommendations to eliminate identified gaps in services to veterans to increase effective outreach and assistance across the Commonwealth, including examining options such as scheduling local outreach days in communities without a veterans services office or establishing a mobile unit to travel to and provide services to such communities. The Department shall submit a report to the General Assembly with its findings and recommendations no later than the first day of the 2026 Regular Session of the General Assembly."


(This amendment directs the Department of Veterans Services to study gaps in services to veterans across the Commonwealth and submit a report to the General Assembly by the first day of the 2026 Regular Session of the General Assembly.)