2025 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: DeSteph
Co-Patron(s): Craig, Reeves
SB 1265: Blue Envelope Program

Item 426 #3s

Item 426 #3s

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Department of Motor Vehicles FY2025 $30,000 FY2026 $0 GF

Page 541, line 21, strike "$230,505,286" and insert "$230,535,286".


(This amendment provides $30,000 GF the first year for the potential fiscal impact of Senate Bill 1265 which requires the Department of Motor Vehicles to develop and implement a program for the promotion, printing, and distribution of envelopes for use by drivers with a disability that can impair communication, as that term is defined in relevant law, provide to a law-enforcement officer for the purpose of easing communication during a traffic stop or upon such law-enforcement officer's arrival at the scene of a traffic accident.)