2025 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Hashmi
Co-Patron(s): Bagby
City of Richmond Combined Sewer Overflow Grant

Item 365 #10s

Item 365 #10s

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Natural and Historic Resources
Department of Environmental Quality FY2025 $50,000,000 FY2026 $150,000,000 GF

Page 478, line 31, strike "$241,763,554" and insert "$291,763,554".
Page 478, line 31, strike "$76,517,698" and insert "$226,517,698".

Page 480, strike lines 26 through 30.

Page 480, after line 25, insert:

"K.1. Out of the amounts in this Item, $100,000,000 the first year and $150,000,000 the second year from the general fund shall be deposited to the Combined Sewer Overflow Fund established pursuant to § 62.1-241.12, Code of Virginia, to pay a portion of the costs of the combined sewer overflow project in the City of Richmond."

Page 480, strike lines 50 through 54 and insert:

"2. Notwithstanding § 10.1-2129 A., Code of Virginia, and any other provision of law, $50,000,000 the first year from the general fund shall be deposited to the Combined Sewer Overflow Matching Fund established pursuant to § 62.1-241.12, Code of Virginia, to pay a portion of the costs of the  Combined Sewer Overflow project in the City of Richmond."


(This amendment provides an additional $50.0 million GF the first year and $150.0 million GF the second year for the Combined Sewer Overflow project in the City of Richmond and deposits the general fund support to the existing Combined Sewer Overflow Matching Fund established pursuant to § 62.1-241.12, Code of Virginia.)