2025 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Williams Graves
Pregnancy Mobile Application (SB 1393)

Item 277 #8s

Item 277 #8s

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Health and Human Resources
Department of Health FY2025 $580,000 FY2026 $580,000 GF

Page 343, line 42, strike "$166,335,152" and insert "$166,915,152".
Page 343, line 43, strike "$169,601,819" and insert "$170,181,819".


(This amendment provides $580,000 GF each year for the potential impact Senate Bill 1393, which directs the Virginia Department of Health to partner with a pregnancy mobile application to promote awareness of state government and infant health programs and information, available to prenatal, pregnant , and postpartum individuals who are eligible for Medicaid. Funding is based on a tiered pricing proposal based on monthly active users of the mobile pregnancy application and a projection of annual users based on the Virginia Medicaid population.)