2025 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Obenshain
SCHEV - Campus Law Enforcement Comp. Study (language only)

Item 132 #3s

Item 132 #3s

Education: Higher Education
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia


Page 222, after line 50, insert:

" V. 1. The State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) shall convene a working group to study and evaluate compensation and retirement benefits for campus law enforcement officers employed at four-year public institutions of higher education in Virginia. The working group shall include a representative from the House Appropriations Committee; a representative from the Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee; a representative from the Secretary of Public Safety; a representative from the Virginia Retirement System (VRS); and two chiefs of campus police departments from four-year public institutions of higher education in Virginia. The working group shall consider (i) current levels of compensation and benefits, specifically relating to access to hazardous duty plans, for campus law enforcement officers employed at four-year public institutions of higher education in Virginia relative to Virginia State Police and Local police officers, (ii) the monetary and public safety impact on the recruitment and retention of campus police officers employed at four-year public institutions of higher education in Virginia caused by possible inequities in compensation and benefits identified in (i), and (iii) recommendations and the associated fiscal impact to rectify possible inequities in compensation and benefits identified in (i). Compensation strategies examined shall include salary adjustments, benefits enhancements, stipends, and other forms of monetary and non-monetary compensation.

2. SCHEV shall submit a final report with findings and recommendations to the Governor, the Secretary of Public Safety, the Chairs of the House Appropriations Committee and the Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee, and other relevant stakeholders by October 1, 2025."


(This amendment requires the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) to convene a working group to study and evaluate compensation and retirement benefits for campus law enforcement officers employed at four-year public institutions of higher education in Virginia.)