2025 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Ebbin
Joint Subcommittee To Review Current Instances of State Supported Local Employees

Item 1 #3s

Item 1 #3s

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Legislative Department
General Assembly of Virginia FY2025 $0 FY2026 $25,000 GF

Page 4, line 5, strike "$65,280,825" and insert "$65,305,825".

Page 14, after line 49, insert:

"W.1. The Chairs of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance and Appropriations Committees shall each appoint up to five members from their respective committees to a Joint Subcommittee for State and Local Government Shared Employment to review current arrangements where the Commonwealth and localities share staff or other responsibilities, and where these staff may be considered local employees but are funded through a combination of state and local monies, in order to implement state and federal programs. The members of the Joint Subcommittee shall elect a chair and vice chair annually.

2. The goals and objectives of the Joint Subcommittee shall be to: (i) catalog instances where state and local governments operate shared employment or service arrangements, including but not limited to, staff in Health Departments, General Registrar's Offices, Court Services Units, Clerks of Circuit Court, Commonwealth's Attorney's Offices, Sheriff's Departments, and public schools; (ii) determine the cost to localities of providing shared employment or service arrangements; (iii) assess whether the Commonwealth is providing appropriate levels of funding to localities for these arrangements; and (iv) evaluate the efficacy of such shared employment/service arrangements. As part of its review, the Joint Subcommittee shall seek input from local governments, Constitutional offices, and other interested parties regarding these goals and objectives."


(This amendment establishes a Joint Subcommittee of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance and Appropriations Committees to review current instances of state supported local employees, evaluate efficacy of current arrangements, and consider current funding levels by both the state and localities.)