2025 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Floor Approved)

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Jt Sub on Elementary and Secondary Education - Establish Workgroup (language only)

Item 1 #1s

Item 1 #1s

Legislative Department
General Assembly of Virginia


Page 13, after line 17, insert:

"5. a. The Joint Subcommittee on Elementary and Secondary Education Funding shall establish a workgroup for the purpose of providing recommendations regarding updates to the Standards of Quality funding formula.

b. The workgroup shall consist of legislators, representatives of localities, school divisions, teachers, families, and education interest groups as selected by the Joint Subcommittee. Representatives of the Secretary of Education and the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall also serve on the workgroup.

c. The Department of Education shall support the workgroup based on the scope of work as determined by the Joint Subcommittee on Elementary and Secondary Education Funding.

d. The workgroup shall provide a report detailing recommendations for improvement to the Standards of Quality calculations to the Joint Subcommittee on Elementary and Secondary Education by November 1 annually."


(This amendment establishes a workgroup to support the Joint Subcommittee on Elementary and Secondary Education Funding by providing recommendations for improvements to the K-12 education formula.)