2025 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Committee Approved)

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Joint Subcommittee for Cyber Risk (language only)

Item 82 #1s

Item 82 #1s

Virginia Information Technologies Agency


Page 92, strike lines 21 through 37, and insert:

"D. The Joint Subcommittee on Cyber Risk is hereby established to provide confidential information to the General Assembly regarding current and emerging cybersecurity risks to the Commonwealth and recommended risk reduction initiatives.  The Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA) and the Virginia Fusion Center, in consultation with the Secretaries of Administration, Finance, and Public Safety and Homeland Security, shall provide a semi-annual confidential briefing to the Joint Subcommittee. Members of the Joint Subcommittee on Cyber Risk shall include members designated by the chairs of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance and Appropriations Committees, and the chairs and vice-chairs (or their designees) of the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission and the Joint Commission on Technology and Science.  In addition, two legislative members of the Information Technology Advisory Council, and other legislative or executive branch staff determined to be necessary participants may attend and receive the briefing. Such briefing shall be confidential and exempt from the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, and all those with knowledge of the briefing information shall maintain such confidentiality. Additional meetings of the Joint Subcommittee shall be held as directed by the chairs, upon the written request of the Chief Information Officer of the Commonwealth. Any request for additional meetings shall include a confidential summary of the reasons further briefing is needed, and such request shall be exempt from the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act."


(This amendment modifies language in the introduced budget related to the establishment of a Joint Subcommittee on Cyber Risk.)