2025 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Committee Approved)

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State Employee and State-Supported Local Employees Bonus

Item 469 #1s

Item 469 #1s

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Central Appropriations
Central Appropriations FY2025 $83,057,917 FY2026 $0 GF

Page 576, line 17, strike "$202,906,143" and insert "$285,964,060".

Page 585, after line 12, insert:

"V.1. Up to $61,990,939 the first year from the general fund appropriation of this item shall be used to provide all classified employees of the Executive Branch and other full-time employees of the Commonwealth, except elected officials, who were employed on or before February 25, 2025, and remained employed until at least May 25, 2025, a one-time bonus payment equal to 1.5 percent of their base pay on June 16, 2025.

2. Employees in the Executive Department subject to the Virginia Personnel Act shall receive the bonus payment authorized in this paragraph only if they have attained an equivalent rating of at least "Contributor" on their performance evaluation and have no active written notices under the Standards of Conduct within the preceding twelve-month period.

3. The governing authorities of the state institutions of higher education may provide the bonus for faculty and university staff based on performance and other employment-related factors, as long as the bonuses do not exceed what the average would have been based on the general methodology authorized in this paragraph.

W. Up to $21,066,978 from the general fund the first year is provided for a one-time bonus payment, equal to 1.5 percent of their base salary on July 1, 2025 provided that the governing authority of such employees use such funds to support the provision of a bonus for the following listed employees:

a. Locally-elected constitutional officers;

b. General Registrars and members of local electoral boards;

c. Full-time employees of locally-elected constitutional officers; and,

d. Full-time employees of Community Services Boards, Centers for Independent Living, secure detention centers supported by Juvenile Block Grants, juvenile delinquency prevention and local court service units, local social services boards, local pretrial services act and Comprehensive Community Corrections Act employees, and local health departments where a memorandum of understanding exists with the Virginia Department of Health."


(This amendment provides $83.1 million the first year from the general fund to provide a 1.5 percent bonus to state employees and state-supported local employees on June 16, 2025.)