2025 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Committee Approved)

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Wastewater Treatment Facility Construction Deadline Adjustments (language only)

Item 365 #3s

Item 365 #3s

Natural and Historic Resources
Department of Environmental Quality


Page 481, after line 5, insert:

"P. Notwithstanding § 62.1-44.19:14 G. 1., Code of Virginia, the compliance schedule deadline for the Spotsylvania Co.-FMC WWTF and Spotsylvania Co.-Massaponax WWTF projects shall be January 1, 2027, and for the Fredericksburg WWTF project shall be January 1, 2030. For each compliance year from January 1, 2026, until such deadline that each project does not achieve the nutrient removal technology concentration specified in § 62.1-44.19:14 G. 1., Code of Virginia, the facility owner shall be responsible for acquiring sufficient point source credits to comply with its total nitrogen and total phosphorus waste load allocations applicable to that compliance year. In addition, for the Fredericksburg WWTF project, the City of Fredericksburg shall commence construction by July 1, 2025, report its progress to the Department on February 1 and August 1 each year until completion, and place nutrient removal technology in service as soon as practical prior to January 1, 2030.  By July 1, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter, the Department of Environmental Quality shall (a) modify the Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permits for each facility consistent with the deadlines and requirements of this paragraph and (b) amend any existing water quality improvement agreement pursuant to § 10.1-2131, Code of Virginia, for each project in a manner consistent with the requirements and deadlines of this paragraph."


(This amendment extends the compliance schedule deadline for specific water treatment plant upgrades and requires semi-annual reporting to monitor progress.)