2025 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Committee Approved)

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Reallocation of Previously Distributed Funds (language only)

Item 359 #4s

Item 359 #4s

Natural and Historic Resources
Department of Conservation and Recreation


Page 472, after line 16, insert:

"Y.1. In any fiscal year, 50 percent of any funds previously distributed for Agricultural Best Management Practices for the purpose of grants for agriculture best management practices on lands in the Commonwealth that cannot be obligated by June 15 by a soil and water conservation district during such fiscal year, regardless of whether such lands are within or outside of the Chesapeake Bay watershed, may be reallocated by the Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Board to any soil and water conservation district for conservation practices. The Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Board may reallocate the remaining previously distributed funds that cannot be obligated by June 15 to the soil and water conservation districts within the same watershed.

2. Nothing in this section shall prevent any funds distributed to the Virginia Agricultural Best Management Practices Cost-Share Program for the purpose of matching grants for agricultural best management practices on lands in the Commonwealth that cannot be obligated by a soil and water conservation district during a fiscal year to transfer such funds to another soil and water conservation district within the same watershed within the same fiscal year."


(This language-only amendment provides for the redistribution of previously allocated funding that remains unobligated by June 15 each year. It allows for funding to be redistributed between watersheds for conservation practices.)