2025 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Committee Approved)

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Local Government Maintenance of Effort (language only)

Item 297 #3s

Item 297 #3s

Health and Human Resources
Grants to Localities


Page 421 after line 23, insert:

"VV. It is the intent of the General Assembly that for any additional state funding provided to Community Services Boards (CSBs) or Behavioral Health Authorities (BHAs) that existing contributions from local governments shall not be supplanted by such additional state funding. The Commissioner, Department of the Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS), shall ensure, by monitoring local contributions to CSBs and BHAs, that if local contributions are reduced subsequent to new funding being awarded or provided that such new funding shall thereafter be forfeited by the CSB or BHA by the amount of the reduced local contribution.  The Commissioner may waive this requirement if the locality can prove extreme hardship. Notwithstanding § 37.2-509, Code of Virginia, DBHDS shall not grant a waiver for the operating expense requirement unless the locality can demonstrate hardship in terms of reduced employment, per capita income, or property values (excluding changes in land use taxation)."


(This amendment requires local governments to maintain local contributions to the community services board year to year, absent an extreme hardship, unless a state appropriation is intended to supplant local funding. In order to fall below the 10.0 percent match requirement, a locality must demonstrate hardship in terms of reduced employment, per capita income, or property values (outside of changes in land use taxation).)