2025 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Committee Approved)

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SCHEV - Hunger-Free Campus Grant Program

Item 132 #2s

Item 132 #2s

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Education: Higher Education
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia FY2025 $500,000 FY2026 $0 GF

Page 218, line 2, strike "$34,546,518" and insert "$35,046,518".

Page 222, after line 50, insert:

"V. Out of this appropriation, $500,000 the first year from the general fund is provided to support a Hunger-Free Campus Food Pantry Grant Program to public institutions of higher education and nonprofit, private institutions participating in the tuition assistance grant program. The State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) shall award grants to institutions that establish an on-campus food pantry or partner with a local food back to provide information to students about food services in the local area. All food provided from the on-campus food pantry shall be free of charge, and no student shall be required to demonstrate food insecurity to access such pantry. Institutions that meet this requirement shall receive a "Hunger-Free Campus Food Pantry" designation. Funds may be used to support on-campus efforts and initiatives to eliminate student food insecurity. Funds shall not revert and shall remain available for the next fiscal year. SCHEV shall submit a report on the total number and amounts of grant awards, information about the impact of the program on food insecurity, and recommendations regarding establishment of an annual appropriation to the chairs of the Senate Committee on Education and Health and the House Committee on Education by July 1, 2026."


(This amendment provides $500,000 GF the first year to establish a Hunger-Free Campus Food Pantry grant program administered by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV).)