2025 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1600 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Webert
Centers for Independent Living Satellite Office

Item 314 #3h

Item 314 #3h

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Health and Human Resources
Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services FY2025 $0 FY2026 $150,000 GF

Page 427, line 24, strike "$116,760,793" and insert "$116,910,793".

Page 428, line 48, strike "$8,063,722", insert "$8,213,722".


(This amendment provides $150,000 from the general fund the second year to establish a satellite office of the disAbility Resource Center, which is one of 17 existing Centers for Independent Living (CIL). The satellite office would be based in one of these four unserved counties, serve all four counties, provide the five core independent living services, and work with the local community to develop a structure for the establishment of a CIL to serve these four counties. The disAbility Resource Center will provide administrative and staff support for the satellite community. CILs provide peer mentoring, information and referral, independent living skills training, advocacy, and transition for people with significant disabilities. Transition services include transition from nursing facilities and other institutions, prevention of institutionalization, and transition of youth from school. These services are currently not available to people living in the counties of Culpeper, Madison, Orange, and Rappahannock.)