2025 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1600 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Carr
Modify Medicaid Hospital Rate Assessment Calculation (language only)

Item 3-5.15 #2h

Item 3-5.15 #2h

Adjustments and Modifications to Tax Collections
Provider Payment Rate Assessment


Page 661, lines 52. after "private" strike "acute care".

Page 661, lines 52. after "this item. Private" strike "acute care".

Page 662, line 1 after "private" strike "acute".

Page 662, at the beginning of line 2, strike "care".

Page 662, line 2, after "hospitals", strike:

", freestanding psychiatric and rehabilitation hospitals, children's hospitals, long stay hospitals, long-term acute care hospitals and critical access hospitals".

Page 662, line 5. after "private" strike "acute care".

Page 662, line 7. after "private" strike "acute care".

Page 662, strike lines 8 through 9 and insert:

C.1. The Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) shall calculate each hospital's “payment rate assessment amount” by multiplying net patient service revenue" as defined below, times a "payment rate assessment percentage" determined by DMAS consistent with federal law. This includes the ability for DMAS to determine hospital classes, exclude hospital classes, and set variable payment rates on different hospital classes consistent with federal law."

Page 662, strike lines 10 through12.

Page 662, line 17, after "private" strike "acute care".

Page 662, line 21, after "private" strike "acute care".

Page 662, line 37, after "private" strike "acute care".

Page 662, line 42, after "private" strike "acute care".

Page 663, line 1, after "private" strike "acute care".


(This amendment modifies the methodology used to calculate the Medicaid hospital provider payment rate assessment that was adopted during the 2018, Special Session I. At the time the Department of Medical Assistance Services was given the authority to impose two provider assessments on private acute care hospitals, (i) a coverage assessment intended to pay the state 10 percent share of the full cost of expanding Medicaid coverage pursuant to the Affordable Care Act and (ii) an assessment to enhance Medicaid payment rates for private acute care hospitals in the Commonwealth. This second hospital provider payment rate (tax) assessment was intended to satisfy the state share of costs to increase Medicaid fee-for services rates to the federal upper payment limit and close the managed care organization hospital payment gap for both inpatient and outpatient services. The provider tax assessment applies to the same group of hospitals as the coverage assessment and is administered in a similar manner. This amendment increases the number of hospitals subject to the tax assessment to all private hospitals in Virginia and excludes only public hospitals from the calculation of the tax assessment. Currently only 63 hospitals are subject to the provider tax assessment. This amendment would expand that number to cover 80 hospitals.)