2025 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1600 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Sickles
Optional Nutrition Services for Pregnant and Postpartum Medicaid Managed Care Enrollees (language only)

Item 288 #1h

Item 288 #1h

Health and Human Resources
Department of Medical Assistance Services


Page 393, after line 55, insert:

"OOOOO. The Department of Medical Assistance Services shall seek necessary federal authority from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to develop an in lieu of service that expands access to nutritious food for pregnant and postpartum Medicaid managed care members. The in lieu of service shall be at the option of the managed care organizations, with the consent of the members, and shall meet the federal requirements to demonstrate cost effectiveness. The Medicaid services and settings for which food services are provided in lieu of include inpatient hospital services including NICU care, outpatient services, emergency department services, emergency medical transportation, and home health services. The Department shall amend the managed care contract as appropriate to include the approved food services. The food services shall include: (1) healthy food boxes for up to nine months, which will be available at community sites, clinical sites, and delivered to homes, and (2) nutritional counseling and referral services to other local, state, and federal food programs. Providers shall include non-profit and community-based organizations that focus on services such as health and food access. "


(This amendment adds language to require the Department of Medical Assistance Services to seek federal authority to allow for the inclusion of nutrition and nutrition services for pregnant and postpartum Medicaid managed care members. Medicaid managed care orgnizations may choose to participate by providing these services to prevent these individuals from needing more resource intensive services. Language spells out the types of food services to be provided through this optional benefit.)