2025 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1600 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Sickles
Medicaid Supplemental Payments for Ambulance Transportation (language only)

Item 288 #17h

Item 288 #17h

Health and Human Resources
Department of Medical Assistance Services


Page 393, after line 55, insert:

"OOOOO.` The Department of Medical Assistance Services is authorized to amend the State Plan for Medical Assistance Services to implement a supplemental Medicaid payment for a Ground Emergency Medical Transportation (GEMT) program in Virginia, to qualified GEMT providers.  To be eligible for the GEMT program, a qualified GEMT provider must be enrolled as a Medicaid provider with an active provider agreement for the period being claimed; must be a publicly owned or operated organization; and must provide ground emergency transportation to Virginia Medicaid members enrolled under Title XIX of the Social Security Act to be eligible for the GEMT program. The supplemental payments will provide funding to cover the gap between the provider's actual costs per GEMT transport, and the allowable amount received from the Department of Medical Assistance Service and any other sources of reimbursement. The supplemental payments shall be based on federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid requirements and total Medicaid reimbursement, including the supplemental payment do not exceed 100 percent of actual costs to provide qualifying emergency ground ambulance services to Medicaid patients."


(This amendment authorizes the Department of Medical Assistance Services to implement a supplemental Medicaid payment for a Ground Emergency Medical Transportation (GEMT) program in Virginia. The Ground Emergency Medical Transportation program is a voluntary program that makes supplemental payments to eligible GEMT providers who furnish qualifying emergency ground ambulance services to Medicaid clients. The supplemental payments are funded using the certified public expenditures (CPE) payment method. Eligible GEMT providers must certify to the state the total expenditures incurred and payments received for providing the GEMT services that will be used to determine the supplemental payments. The department makes supplemental payments only for the uncompensated and allowable direct and indirect costs incurred while providing GEMT services to Medicaid clients. The supplemental payment covers the gap between the provider's total allowable costs for providing GEMT services. Total reimbursements from Medicaid including the supplemental payment do not exceed one hundred percent of actual costs.)