2025 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1600 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Morefield
LOV - State Aid to Local Public Libraries

Item 227 #2h

Item 227 #2h

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Education: Other Education
The Library Of Virginia FY2025 $0 FY2026 $2,340,493 GF

Page 292, line 30, strike "$26,797,584" and insert "$29,138,077".

Page 292, line 46, strike "complete a" and insert "maintain the".

Page 292, line 46, strike "additional" and insert "full".

Page 292, line 47, after "funding", insert "achieved".

Page 292, line 47, after "2026." insert:

"The Library of Virginia shall report its estimate of the appropriation increase required in the next fiscal year to maintain full funding of state aid to local libraries to the Chairs of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance and Appropriations Committees and the Governor by November 15 of each year."


(This amendment provides $2.3 million the second year from the general fund to increase the state aid to local public libraries. This funding represents the fourth and final installment of a four-year plan to fully fund the state library aid formula by fiscal year 2026. This plan is established as the objective of the General Assembly in Subsection D of Item 227 that was enacted in 2022. This amendment also amends language to state that is the objective of the General Assembly to maintain full funding of the state aid to local libraries formula and requires the Library of Virginia to report by November 15 each year its estimate of the amount of funding required to maintain full funding in the next fiscal year.)