2025 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1600 (Floor Approved)

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Medicaid Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee Drug Recommendations (language only)

Item 288 #11h

Item 288 #11h

Health and Human Resources
Department of Medical Assistance Services


Page 393, after line 55, insert:

"OOOOO. The Department of Medical Assistance Services Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee shall ensure that when recommending drugs to the Department of Medical Assistance Services that no non opioid drug approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration for the treatment or management of pain shall be disadvantaged or discouraged for coverage relative to any opioid, including the imposition of prior authorization or step therapy more restrictive than an opioid drug for pain.

PPPPP. The Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee shall make no recommendations on any changes to the Common Core Formulary to the Department of Medical Assistance Services until a fiscal impact review is conducted by the agency's fiscal division and reviewed by the Chief Financial Officer and the Director."


(This amendment adds language requiring the Department of Medical Assistance Service Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee to take steps to ensure that non opioid and opioid drugs are treated equitably in decisions about Medicaid coverage. Language is also added that the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee shall make no recommendations on any changes to the programs's Common Core Formulary unless a fiscal impact review is completed and reviewed.)