2025 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1600 (Floor Approved)

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Office of Comprehensive Services Reporting Requirements (language only)

Item 269 #1h

Item 269 #1h

Health and Human Resources
Children's Services Act


Page 334, line 8, after "B." insert "1."

Page 334, after line 16, insert:

"2. The Office of Comprehensive Services, in coordination with the Virginia Department of Education's Office of Special Education, shall report to the General Assembly by October 1 of each year, (i) recommendations made to each LEA and progress made in improving the LEA's ability to serve students, (ii) an assessment of barriers to students returning to a LEA from a private day placement including instances when the LEA refuses or is unable to provide a less restrictive environment due to a lack of available transition services and recommendations for returning students to public school who are deemed eligible, and (iii) trends in behavioral and emotional diagnoses including students on home-based instruction that may require private day placements.”


(This amendment adds reporting requirements for the Office of Comprehensive Services, in coordination with the Department of Education, regarding the transition of students from private day education services to local education agencies.)