2025 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1600 (Floor Approved)

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NCI - Workforce Grants and Operating Support

Item 234 #1h

Item 234 #1h

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Education: Higher Education
New College Institute FY2025 $0 FY2026 $1,000,000 GF

Page 296, line 3, strike "$4,686,850" and insert "$5,686,850".

Page 296, strike lines 19 through 39 and insert:

"D. The New College Institute may broker agreements with Longwood University, Richard Bland College and other educational, industry, and non-profit partners and establish collaborative, innovative partnership agreements with school districts, public and private colleges and universities, economic development agencies, employers, philanthropic organizations, veterans organizations, public agencies and other partners as necessary to strengthen and streamline educational pathways from high school, to work-based learning, to baccalaureate and advanced degrees that prepare individuals, including nontraditional students and veterans, for entry into high-demand careers in the Commonwealth."


(This amendment provides additional funding to support grants to address unmet financial need for students in programs related to fiber optics, global wind, telemental health, law enforcement, electrical, FAA drone operations, and education programs offered by Longwood University. In addition, funding may be used to address staffing needs related to workforce programs, student resource coordination and academic programs. Finally, the amendment provides New College Institute the authority to broker agreements with Longwood University, Richard Bland College and other educational, industry, and non-profit partners.)