2025 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1600 (Conference Report)

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NSU: Improve Campus Security

Item C-8.60 #1c

Item C-8.60 #1c

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Norfolk State University FY2025 $6,000,000 FY2026 $0 GF

Page 619, line 16, strike "$2,633,223" and insert "$8,633,223".

Page 619, strike lines 18 through 21 and insert:

"Out of this appropriation, $8,633,223 the first year from the general fund is provided to make campus safety and security improvements. This includes perimeter fencing, lighting, emergency call station installation and improvements, as well as property acquisition, and ensuing demolition and site stabilization/greening of resulting vacant land, as necessary. Any such land acquisitions shall be directly adjacent or in the near vicinity of the campus to make critical improvements to the security and safety of the campus and of its immediate surroundings.”


(This amendment provides an additional $6.0 million the first year from the general fund to increase funding for a security project at Norfolk State University to a total of $8.2 million.)